UN해양법 협약상의 추적권에 관한 연구

A Study on the Right of hot pursuit of UNCLOS

  • 발행 : 2006.11.17


추적권은 추적국의 영해, 접속수역 기타 관할수역내에서 외국선박이 추적국의 법령을 위반한 경우 동 선박을 나포하기 위하여 공해상까지 계속하여 추적할 수 있는 권리로서 연안국이 영해나 기타 일정수역내에서 위법행위를 한 외국선박을 공해로 도주하기 전에 나포하는 것 이 용이하지 않으므로 도주하는 범법외국선박을 공해상까지 추적하여 나포하고 동선박을 연안국에 인도하여 연안국의 재판관할권을 행사하는 제도가 인정되어 왔으며 이러한 권리를 해양법상의 추적권 (the Right of hot pursuit) 라고 한다. 이에 우리나라의 해양관할권의 현황과 불법행위의 특성 등을 연구하여 해상집행력을 고찰해 보고 추적권에 관한 연구를 기술해 보았다.

The hot pursuit of a foreign ship may be undertaken when the competent authorities of the coastal State have good reason to believe that the ship has vi-olated the laws and regulations of that State. Such pursuit must be commenced when the foreign ship or one of its boats is within the internal waters, the archi-pelagic waters, the territorial sea or the contiguous zone of the pursuing State, and may only be continued outside the territorial sea or the contiguous zone if the pursuit has not been interrupted. It is not necessary that, at the time when the foreign ship within the territorial sea or the contiguous zone recevies the order to stop, the ship giving the order should likewise be within the territorial sea or the contiguous zone. If the foreign ship is within a contiguous zone, as defined in article 33, the pursuit may only be undertaken if there has been a vio-lation of the rights for the protection of which the zone was established. The right of hot pursuit shall apply mutatis mutandis to violations in the ex-clusive economic zone or on the continental shelf, including safety zones around continental shelf installations, of the laws and regulations of the coastal State applicable in accordance with this Convention to the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf, including such safety zones.
