Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing (융합신호처리학회 학술대회논문집)
- 2005.11a
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- Pages.167-170
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- 2005
A Study on Recursive Spacial Filtering for Impulse Noise Removal in Image
영상의 임펄스 노이즈 제거를 위한 재귀적 공간 필터링에 관한 연구
- Noh, Hyun-Yong (Dept. of Control and Instrumentation Eng., Pukyong National Univ.) ;
- Bae, Sang-Bum (Dept. of Control and Instrumentation Eng., Pukyong National Univ.) ;
Kim, Nam-Ho
(Dept. of Control and Instrumentation Eng., Pukyong National Univ.)
- Published : 2005.11.19
Recently, filtering methods for attenuating noise while preserving image details are in progress actively. And SM(standard median) filter showed a great performance for noise removal in impulse noise environment but, it caused edge cancellation error. So, variable methods that modified SM(standard median) filter have been proposed, and CWM(center weighted median) filter is representative. Also, there are several methods to improve the efficiency based on min/max operation in term of preserving detail and filtering speed. In this paper, we managed a pixel corrupted by impulsive noise using min/max value of the surrounding band enclosing a pixel, and compared the efficiency with exiting methods in the simulation.