Proceedings of the KIPE Conference (전력전자학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2005.07a
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- Pages.198-200
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- 2005
Study On the Pulse Power Supply using Inverter Power Supply for XFEL
XFEL용 인버터 고전압 전원공급장치를 이용한 펄스전원공급장치 연구
- Park, S.S. (POSTECH Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) ;
- Kim, S.H. (POSTECH Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) ;
- Kim, S.C. (POSTECH Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) ;
- Han, Y.J. (POSTECH Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) ;
Hwang, J.Y.
(POSTECH Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) ;
- Kim, H.G. (Kyungbook National University)
- 박성수 (포항공대 가속기연구소) ;
- 김상희 (포항공대 가속기연구소) ;
- 김성철 (포항공대 가속기연구소) ;
- 한영진 (포항공대 가속기연구소) ;
(포항공대 가속기연구소) ;
- 김흥근 (경북대학교)
- Published : 2005.07.04
The 2.5 GeV linac of the Pohang Light Source(PLS) is planed to be converted to a XFEL. The PAL XFEL requires a new 1.2-GeV linac that will be combined to the existing linac to increase a beam energy upto 3.7 GeV. The RF stability of 0.02 % is required for both RF phase and amplitude to get the XFEL output. This stability is mainly determined by a low level RF drive system and klystron-modulators. The stability level of the modulator has to be improved 10 times better to meet the pulse stability of 0.02 %. The regulation methods such as traditional de-Qing and precision inverter charging technology are reviewed to find out suitable upgrade scheme of the modulators.