차량용 200bar 급 Type 3 복합재 압력용기의 개발 및 설계인증시험

Development of high-pressure Type 3 composite cylinder for compressed hydrogen storage of fuel cell vehicle

  • 발행 : 2005.04.29


The objective of study on composite cylinder for alternative fuel vehicle is to develop safe, efficient, and commercially viable, on-board fuel storage system for the fuel cell vehicle or natural gas vehicle that use highly compressed gaseous fuel such as hydrogen or natural gas. This study presents the whole procedure of development and certification of a type 3 composite cylinder of 207bar service pressure and 70 liter water capacity, which includes design/analysis, processing of filament winding, and validation through various testing and evaluation. Design methods of liner configuration and winding patterns are presented. Three dimensional, nonlinear finite element analysis techniques are used to predict burst pressure and failure mode. Design and analysis techniques are verified through burst and cycling tests. The full qualification test methods and results for validation and certification are presented.
