Crop improvement the biotechnology option

  • Kumar, Prakash P. (Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.22


Plant biotechnology involving genetic modification has been rather controversial. However, the major issues related to safety are being addressed by continued improvements in technology. Some of the related facts will be highlighted to set the tone for a scientific discussion on the possibilities of using the technology for crop improvement. Our main research interest is to understand the molecular regulation of shoot bud regeneration in plant tissue culture, which is essential for crop improvement by biotechnology. We have isolated and characterized some genes that are associated with adventitious shoot regeneration. These include a MADS-box cDNA (PkMADS1) from paulownia kawakamii, which regulates vegetative shoot development and in vitro shoot regeneration from leaf explants. Another gene we have characterized from petunia codesfor a cytokinin binding protein (PETCBP). Preliminary functional analysis of this gene indicated that this also affects adventitious shoot bud initiation. Also, the antisense suppression of this gene in petunia causedexcessive branching. Results from our work and selected other publications will be used to highlight the possibilities of manipulation of such genes to improve crop species.
