Creativity for the Gifted or for All? My Reflective Points

  • Girl, Tan Ai (National Institute of Education (Psychological Studies) Nanyang Technological University)
  • 발행 : 2005.11.30


Creativity since 1950 has become an increasing appealing component of education. This is especially true in many Asian countries including Singapore. Creativity is a necessary but not a sufficient component ofholistic education. Beginning with creativity for the talented, the gifted, and people with high abilities, creativity has gradually become a phenomenon of every society, and a potential competence of every person. This paper presents my views on the evolving trends of creativity in education and challenges my thoughts on who should be given the opportunity to become creative. Is creativity merely meant for the gifted or for all? Some reflective points with regard to answering this question areelicited with reference to the development of Singapore's education.
