Optimal Allocation Model for Ballistic Missile Defense System by Simulated Annealing Algorithm

탄도미사일 방어무기체계 배치모형 연구

  • Published : 2005.05.13


The set covering(SC) problem has many practical application of modeling not only real world problems in civilian but also in military. In this paper we study optimal allocation model for maximizing utility of consolidating old fashioned and new air defense weapon system like Patriot missile and develop the new computational algorithm for the SC problem by using simulated annealing(SA) algorithm. This study examines three different methods: 1) simulated annealing(SA); 2) accelerated simulated annealing(ASA); and 3) selection by effectiveness degree(SED) with SA. The SED is adopted as an enhanced SA algorithm that the neighboring solutions could be generated only in possible optimal feasible region at the PERTURB function. Furthermore, we perform various experiments for both a reduced and an extended scale sized situations depending on the number of customers(protective objective), service(air defense), facilities(air defense artillery), threat, candidate locations, and azimuth angles of Patriot missile. Our experiment shows that the SED obtains the best results than others.
