Viterbi 탐색 특성을 이용한 미등록어휘 제거에 대한 연구

A Study on OOV Rejection Using Viterbi Search Characteristics

  • 발행 : 2005.04.27


Many utterance verification (UV) algorithms have been studied to reject out-of-vocabulary (OOV) in speech recognition systems. Most of conventional confidence measures for UV algorithms are mainly based on log likelihood ratio test, but these measures take much time to evaluate the alternative hypothesis or anti-model likelihood. We propose a novel confidence measure which makes use of a momentary best scored state sequence during Viterbi search. Our approach is more efficient than conventional LRT-based algorithms because it does not need to build anti-model or to calculate the alternative hypothesis. The proposed confidence measure shows better performance in additive noise-corrupted speech as well as clean speech.
