우리나라의 잠수사고 사례 고찰

A study on diving casualties of KOREA

  • 이창우 (한국해양수산연수원 해양안전교육팀) ;
  • 정창호 (CMASKOREA, 대한수중협회)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.26


This study aims to provide divers with improved safe diving practices by analyzing reports on scuba diving casualties that recently occured in Korea, Japan and USA. The result of this study should be notified to all the divers in Korea for the purpose of preventing the diving accident. All the data were collected through the diving accident reports of various sourses, which include KUA(Korea Underwater Association) technical committee, the accident statistical data of National Maritime Police Agency, articles of domestic and foreign scuba diving magazine, accident reports of various newspaper, annual report on decompression illness and diving fatalities by DAN(Diver Alert Network), various type of data on diving accident from local as well as national seminars, and medical treatment data of diving accident.
