Personalized Recommand System Using Mining for the Association Rule

연관규칙 마이닝을 이용한 개인화된 추천시스템

  • 성창규 (한국해양대학교 대학원 컴퓨터공학과) ;
  • 류길수 (한국해양대학교 IT공학부) ;
  • 김태진 (한국해양대학교 대학원 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Published : 2005.06.26


Recommand Systems are being used by an ever-increasing number of E-Commerce to help customers find products to purchase. Recommend Systems offer a technology that allows personalized recommendations of items of potential interest to users based on information about similarities and dissimilarities among different customers tastes. In this paper, we design and build a Recommend System using the historical customer movie purchase transactions and extracts the knowledge needed to make association recommendations to new customers.
