Development of Potential Function Based Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robot

  • Lee, Sang-Il (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook Natinal University) ;
  • Kim, Myun-Hee (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook Natinal University) ;
  • Oh, Kwang-Seuk (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook Natinal University) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Ryong (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook Natinal University)
  • Published : 2005.06.02


A potential field method for solving the problem of path planning based on global and local information for a mobile robot moving among a set of stationary obstacles is described. The concept of various method used path planning is used design a planning strategy. A real human living area is constructed by many moving and imminence obstacles. Home service mobile robot must avoid many obstacles instantly. A path that safe and attraction towards the goal is chosen. The potential function depends on distance from the goal and heuristic function relies on surrounding environments. Three additional combined methods are proposed to apply to human living area, calibration robots position by measured surrounding environment and adapted home service robots. In this work, we proposed the application of various path planning theory to real area, human living. First, we consider potential field method. Potential field method is attractive method, but that method has great problem called local minimum. So we proposed intermediate point in real area. Intermediate point was set in doorframe and between walls there is connect other room or other area. Intermediate point is very efficiency in computing path. That point is able to smaller area, area divided by intermediate point line. The important idea is intermediate point is permanent point until destruction house or apartment house. Second step is move robot with sensing on front of mobile robot. With sensing, mobile robot recognize obstacle and judge moving obstacle. If mobile robot is reach the intermediate point, robot sensing the surround of point. Mobile robot has data about intermediate point, so mobile robot is able to calibration robots position and direction. Third, we gave uncertainty to robot and obstacles. Because, mobile robot was motion and sensing ability is not enough to control. Robot and obstacle have uncertainty. So, mobile robot planed safe path planning to collision free. Finally, escape local minimum, that has possibility occur robot do not work. Local minimum problem solved by virtual obstacle method. Next is some supposition in real living area.
