• 발행 : 2005.10.16


Traditional Industries were planning the major role for Taiwan's economy. However, we need to face the competition from developing countries. Moving manufacturing department to other low salary countries, such as China, can only temporarily release some limited pressure. The final and complete solutions are to equip on R&D, refine techniques, improve management capabilities, upgrade business, and reform physique. Currently there are some ERP systems on the market; however, they are designed for common purpose and difficult to introduce into industry. The expensive price is another factor to make them be popular. In this research we will Object Oriented, Visual Modeling, ER Model and Windows Environment to develop an Integrated Management System for Sports Requisites Industries (IMSSRI). We will integrate all information from all departments such as development, business, material administration, manufacture, shipping, and financial. When development people construct the all modules, components, cutting molds, materials and accessories, IMSSRI will calculate all needed materials and cost for each product. This cost will be used for quotation to report to our customers. When customers confirm the order, system will transfer all necessary materials into Material Administration System. IMSSRI can generate manufacturing forms and material raw lists for manufacture department. All related information such as stocking, returning goods, material requesting, and material returning can be integrated so we can control all details of the whole enterprise. Through the help of this system, we hope we can save man-power, reduce human mistakes, raise management capabilities for tradition manufacturing industries and create another possibility of eternal operating for Taiwan's Industries.



I would like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation to National Science Council, Executive Yuan, for its support of the study. Project No.: NSC 92-2622-E-216-025-CC3.