하수처리수의 관개용수 재이용을 위한 위해성 평가

Risk assessment of wastewater reuse for Irrigation water

  • 발행 : 2005.10.28


Wastewater reuse are exposed public health risk by pathogens. Therefore, this study was examined for microbial risk assessment after irrigation as treated wastewater in paddy rice plots. Five treatments were used: biofilter effluent, UV disinfected water, pond treatment, wetland treatment and conventional irrigation water. Risk assessment was calculated based on the beta-Poisson model by concentration of E. coli from 2003 to 2005. Monte-Carlo simulation (n=10,000) was used to estimate the risk characterization of uncertainty. The risk range was from $10^{-5}$ to $10^{-8}$ except biofilter effluent was $10^{-4}$ in June. The USEPA(1992) has recommended that risk of < $10^{-4}$ is acceptable level of safety for potable waters. In 2005, risk value was lower than 2003, 2004 because of the first irrigation for plowing water is lower E. coli concentration used tap water. It is shown that the first irrigation water quality was important for wastewater irrigation in paddy. UV disinfection and natural treatment used pond and wetland were thought to be an effective for wastewater reuse.
