농업가뭄 분석을 위한 농업가뭄평가.정보제공시스템 개발

Development of Evaluation System for Agricultural Drought Management

  • 발행 : 2005.10.28


There are two ways to mitigate the drought. One is the structural measures such as storage of irrigation water, development of emergency wells, etc. The other one is the nonstructural measures such as water saving management by the early warning system. To precast and evaluate the drought, we need to develop the drought indices for agriculture. In the present drought preparedness plans of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), it is prescribed that the preparedness levels should be classified by considering the precipitation, reservoir storage, soil moisture in paddy and upland, and the growing status of crops. However there are not clear quantitative criteria for consistent judgment. This shows that we have not selected and utilized the proper drought index for agriculture and we did not have the information system to calculate the drought indices periodically and warn the outbreak of the drought. The objectives of the study are to develope of Agricultural Drought Evaluation System and to evaluate this indices for current agricultural status using the system.
