A Study on Transport Protocol for High Speed Networking

  • Kwon, Yoon-Joo (Supercomputing Center KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)) ;
  • Seok, Woo-Jin (Supercomputing Center KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)) ;
  • Byeon, Ok-Hwan (Supercomputing Center KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information))
  • Published : 2005.11.25


There are emerging many eScience applications. More and more scientists want to collaborate on their investigation with international partners without space limitation by using these applications. Since these applications have to analyze the massive raw data, scientists need to send and receive the data in short time. So today's network related requirement is high speed networking. The key point of network performance is transport protocol. We can use TCP and UDP as transport protocol but we use TCP due to the data reliability. However, TCP was designed under low bandwidth network, therefore, general TCP, for example Reno, cannot utilize the whole bandwidth of high capacity network. There are several TCP variants to solve TCP problems related to high speed networking. They can be classified into two groups: loss based TCP and delay based TCP. In this paper, I will compare two approaches of TCP variants and propose a hybrid approach for high speed networking.
