• Inyang Hilary I. (University of North Carolina)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


Urbanization rates of population range from about 1% in the developed countries to about 4% in developing countries. For a global population that may reach 10 billion within the next 40 years, pressure has arisen for an increase in the large-scale use of wastes and byproducts in construction. Ironically, most of the wastes that need to be recycled are generated in large cities where the need for constructed facilities to serve large population is high. Waste and recycled materials (WRM) that are used in construction are required to satisfy material strength, durability and contaminant teachability requirements. These materials exhibit a wide variety of characteristics owing to the diversity of industrial processes through which they are produced. Several laboratory-based investigations have been conducted to assess the pollution potential and load bearing capacity of materials such as petroleum-contaminated soils, coal combustion ash, flue-gas desulphurization gypsum and foundry sand. For full-scale systems, although environmental pollution potential and structural integrity of constructed facilities that incorporate WRM are interrelated, comprehensive schemes have not been developed for integrated assessment of the relevant field-scale performance factors. In this presentation, a framework for such an assessment is proposed and presented in the form of a flowchart. The proposed scheme enables economic, environmental, worker safety and engineering factors to be addressed in a number of sequential steps. Quantitative methods and test protocols that have been developed can be incorporated into the proposed scheme for assessing the feasibility of using WRM as partial or full substitutes for earthen highway materials in the field.
