유성지역 소유역에서 추적자(Cl)를 이용한 강우사상에 따른 지표수로부터 기저유출의 분리

  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


This study aims to separate hydrograph into baseflow and event water to calculate baseflow rate during a rainfall in small catchments, Yuseong, Daejeon, The hydrograph of stream during a period with no excess rainfall will decay. The discharge is composed entirely of groundwater contributions. During the period, the Cl concentration of the stream water can be regarded as being in equilibrium with that of the groundwater. Using Cl as a conservative tracer, two-component hydrograph separations were performed from end point of the period to next end point. The required data were obtained by monitoring of the surface water table, along with discharge rate of stream. Cl concentration of rainfall, surface water were measured and recorded. Hydrograph separation, a mixing model using chemical tracer is applied to chemical hydrograph separation technique. These results show that baseflow rates are 31.6% of rainfall in the catchments during study period.
