Dual Frequency Switchable Flexoelectric Cholesteric Devices

  • Chien, Liang-Chy (Chemical Physics Program and Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University) ;
  • Shi, Lei (Chemical Physics Program and Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University)
  • Published : 2005.07.19


We demonstrate an electro-optical device based on the flexoelectric effect of a short-pitched cholesteric liquid crystal. By using a dual-frequency switchable nematic, a small amount of chiral dopant and a small amount of phase-separated polymer localized on the surface, we were able to create a device that operates in amplitude (flexoelectric) and phase(dielectric) modes. At high frequency the dual frequency liquid crystal suppresses the phase mode at higher voltage, which improves the switching speed, and thereby preserving the in-plane-switching mode.
