육류 소비와 건강

  • 김용곤 (농촌진흥청 축산연구소)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.30


Increase in daily protein consumption per capita from 1975(85.1 g) to 2001(88.4 g) was 3.3 g. This trend was relatively slower than the case of Japan where daily protein consumption was 84.7 g in 1975 and 90.3 g in 2001. Animal-related protein in 2003 was 45.7 g in which 61% was originated from meat, milk and egg whereas 39% was composed of fish and its relevance. The trend of protein consumption fairly come up with the ideal ratio of 5:5 between animal-originated protein and plant-originated protein, following the base case of Japan. The effect of animal protein on human health can vary depending on one's viewpoint and its controversy is still a subject of debate. For reason, two faces of positive and negative effects on human health coexists. However, there is no doubt that positive effect is far more than negative one. It is not important whether or not animal protein is more beneficial for human health. However, it is more important how human balance between two proteins.
