폰 카메라 조립용 그립퍼 시스템에 대한 연구

Development of the Gripping System for Phone-camera Assembling

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This paper reports on the development of the gripping system for automation of phone-camera module assembling. If manual assembling is shifted by automation, it will increase the fabrication speed and reduce the defective rate. In the gripping mechanism design, we needs self-adjustable passive mechanism that minimize the number of the parts. The self-adjusting system compensates the positioning errors that have been made in translations. And also we need gripper system that can be modules of parts. That makes it easy to change or repair the parts. The forces put on the objects is another considerable in the system. It must not cause dropping, breakage, scratch, and large deformation. So final target of this reaseach is how to develop the system that is speedy, small, simple, and safe
