자동 요소망 생성을 위한 격자구성기법 적용

Application of Grid-based Approach for Auto Mesh Generation of Vacuum Chamber

  • Lee J.S. (Division of Mechanical System Design Eng. KGU) ;
  • Park Y.J. (Dept. of Mechanical Eng., SKKU) ;
  • Chang Y.S. (School of Mechanical Eng., SKKU) ;
  • Choi J.B. (School of Mechanical Eng., SKKU) ;
  • Kim Y.J. (School of Mechanical Eng., SKKU)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


A seamless analysis of complex geometry is one of greatly interesting topic. However, there are still gaps between the industrial applications and fundamental academic studies owing to time consuming modeling process. To resolve this problem, an auto mesh generation program based on grid-based approach has been developed for IT-product in the present study. At first, base mesh and skin mesh are generated using the information of entities which extracted from IGES file. Secondly the provisional core mesh with rugged boundary geometry is constructed by superimposing the skin mesh as well as the base mesh generated from the CAD model. Finally, the positions of boundary nodes are adjusted to make a qualified mesh by adapting node modification and smoothing techniques. Also, for the sake of verification of mesh quality, the hexahedral auto mesh constructed by the program is compared with the corresponding tetrahedral free mesh and hexahedral mapped mesh through static finite element analyses. Thereby, it is anticipated that the grid-based approach can be used as a promising pre-processor for integrity evaluation of various IT-products.
