특징형상기반 다중해상도 모델링의 상세수준 결정기준에 관한 연구

A Study on the Criteria of the Level-Of-Detail in Feature-based Multi-resolution Modeling

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


In feature-based multi-resolution modeling, the features are rearranged according to a criterion for the levels of detail (LOD) of multi-resolution models. In this paper, two different LOD criteria are investigated and discussed. The one is the volumes of subtractive features, together with the precedence of additive features over subtractive features. The other is the volumes of features, regardless of whether the feature types are subtractive or additive. In addition, the algorithms to define and extract the LOD models based on the criteria are also described. The criterion of the volumes of features can be used for a wide range of applications in CAD and CAE in virtue of its generality.
