대장 소장 원형문합수술을 위한 지능형 로봇개발

Development of Intelligent Robot for Anastomosis of Intestine

  • 권용민 (고려대 대학원 제어계측공학과) ;
  • 홍정화 (고려대 제어계측공학과)
  • Kwun Y.M. (Control and Instrumentation. Eng., Korea University) ;
  • Hong J. (Control and Instrumentation. Eng., Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


As increasing gastrointestinal pathologies, general and thoracic surgeries using circular staplers have been dramatically increased. Because of convenience for surgical procedure, recently, various circular staplers for anastomosis have been used widely. Since the circular staplers conventional have used the displacement control method, however, the anastomosis could have various biomechanical conditions. To do that, biomechanical system of gastrointestinal soft tissue should be examined to control the anastomotic condition. In this study, a new intelligent robot used in circular anastomosis. The intelligent robot driven by a stepper motor and controlled by a digital signal processor.
