임베디드 리눅스 기반의 지문 인식 시스템 구현

Implementation of Fingerprint Cognition System Based on the Embedded LINUX

  • 배은대 (강원대 공대 멀티미디어) ;
  • 김정하 (강원대 공대 제어계측공학과) ;
  • 남부희 (강원대 전기전자정보통신공학부)
  • 발행 : 2005.10.28


In this paper, we have designed a Fingerprint Recognition System based on the Embedded LINUX. The fingerprint is captured using the AS-S2 semiconductor sensor. To extract a feature vector we transform the image of t10he fingerprint into a column vector. The image is row-wise filtered with the low-pass filter of the Haar wavelet. The feature vectors of the different fingerprints are compared by computing with the probabilistic neural network the distance between the target feature vector and the stored feature vectors in advance. The system implemented consists of a server PC based on the LINUX and a client based on the Embedded LINUX. The client is a Tynux box-x board using a PXA-255 CPU. The algorithm is simple and fast in computing and comparing the fingerprints.
