고속도로 교량의 염소이온확산 특성과 공용수명 평가

Diffusion of Chloride Ions and Evaluation of Lifetime in Highway Bridges

  • 신재인 (한국도로공사 도로교통기술원) ;
  • 박창호 (한국도로공사 도로교통기술원) ;
  • 이병주 (한국도로공사 도로교통기술원) ;
  • 임홍범 ((주)삼우아이엠씨)
  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


Chloride attach is one of the main factors which cause the deterioration of structures. In the case highway bridges, de-icer salts very significantly increase the surface scaling due to frost action. The deteriorated concrete is subject to experience degrading of durability under chloride attach environment. In this study, diagnosis report of 147 bridges is investigated and core sample of 21 bridge decks is examined and analyzed. The results show that the cover of decks concrete is required more than 8cm for retaining bridge lifetime over 30 years.
