콘크리트 초기강도에 영향을 미치는 수화물의 정량분석에 관한 연구

A Quantitative Analysis on Feature of Hydrate Affecting Early-Age Strength

  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


Strength of concrete is very important factor in design and quality management and may represent overall quality of concrete. Such strength of concrete may differ depending on amount of cement mixed, water and fine aggregate ratio. Classic concrete products have been produced mainly with ordinary portland cement(hereinafter 'cement'), water and fine aggregate as shown above, but various additives and mixture materials have been used for concrete manufacturing, along with development of high functional concrete and diversification of structures. Various kinds of chemical mixtures agents and mixture materials have been used as it requires concretes with other features which cannot be solved with existing materials only, such as high strength, high flexibility and no-separation in the water. Such addition of various mixture agents may cause change in cement hydrate, affecting strength. Hydration of cement is the process of producing potassium hydroxide, C-S-H, C-A-H and Ettringite, while causing heat generation reaction after it is mixed with water, and generation amounts of such hydrates play lots of roles in condensation and hardening. This study aims to analyze its strength and features with hydrates by making specimen according to curing temperature, types of mixture agent, mixing ratio and ages and by analyzing such hydrates in order to analyze role of cement hydrate on early strength of concrete.
