Fuzzy Inference-based Quantitative Estimation of Environmental Affecting Factor For Performance-based Durability Design of RC Structure Exposed to Salt Attack Environment

염해 환경에 노출된 RC 구조물의 내구성능설계를 위한 퍼지 추론 기반 환경영향지수의 산정

  • 도정윤 (전북대학교 건축 도시 공학부) ;
  • 송훈 (한국건설기술연구원 건축연구부) ;
  • 소승영 (전북대학교 건축 도시 공학부) ;
  • 소양섭 (전북대학교 건축 도시 공학부)
  • Published : 2005.05.01


As a part of the effort for improving the durability design based on a set of the deem-to-satisfy specifications, it is important and primary to quantitatively identify the environmental impact to a target reinforced concrete structure. In this work, an effort is made to quantitatively calculate the environmental affecting factor with using a fuzzy inference that it indicates the severity of environmental impact to the exposed reinforced concrete structure or member. This system is composed of input region, output region and rule base. For developing the fuzzy inference system surface chloride concentration{chloride), cyclic degree of wet and dry(CWD), relative humidity(RH) and temperature (TEMP) were selected as the input parameter to environmental affecting factor(EAF) of output parameter. The Rules in inference engine are generated from the engineering knowledge and intuition based on some international code of practises as well as various researcher's experimental data. The devised fuzzy inference system was verified comparing the inferred value with the investigation data, and proved to be validated. Thus it is anticipated that this system for quantifying EAF is certain to be considered into the starting point to develop the performance-based durability design considering the service life of structure.
