A Study on the Reinforcement Corrosion Evaluation of Repair Material and Method for Reinforced Concrete Structure by Long Term Exposure Experiment

장기폭로실험에 의한 철근콘크리트구조물 보수재료$\cdot$공법의 철근부식특성 평가

  • Published : 2005.05.01


In this study, for the establishment of the performance evaluation methods and the quality control standards of durability recovery method, the quantitative exposure data by long term exposure test under the coast is accumulated and analyzed Investigating and evaluating the result of exposure test at 30 month of exposure age under the coastal environment, carbonation and salt damage are not happened at all but the difference in electric potential are found. Therefore, it is considered that the reinforcement corrosion at replacement with repair material are caused by active-passive corrosion macrocells.
