- 한국신재생에너지학회 2005년도 춘계학술대회
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- Pages.705-707
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- 2005
지열에너지 개발용 GIS 모델링
Modeling of GIS for geothermal energy development
- 발행 : 2005.06.01
For the development of geothermal energy, many different kind of geoscientific data including both surface geological data and underground geomechanical data, are acquired. Integration of such data itself for better understanding of underground condition is not a simple process due to complexity of the data, i.e. mixture of 20 and 3D data, mixture of geological data, geochemical data, geomechanical data and hydrogeological data. This paper reports a preliminary suggestion of GIS modeling for such specific purpose. Data used for GIS modeling mainly came from British case studies. The modeling is much more focused on the design of database for 3D underground geotechnical data in this study.