RETScreen(R) 지중열 히트펌프 모듈 한국 적용에 관한 연구

RETScreen(R) Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) Application for Korea

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Korea is utilizing geothermal resources mainly in the bathing and swimming facilities with very few applications for industrial processes or space heating. It is estimated that geothermal capacity and annual utilization are 36.2MWt and 761TJ/year as compared to global capacity and annual utilization of 15,145MWt and 190,699 TJ/year. RETScreen software is a user's friendly tool for analyzing the technical and financial pre-feasibility of potential Renewable Energy (RE) projects that promotes the use of RE applications through the capacity building of planners, decision-makers and industries for successful implementation of RE projects. Strong ties between Canada and Korean organizations such as Korean Solar Energy Society (KSES) and the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) exist for knowledge transfer about RETScreen. In this paper, an overview of RETScreen and its ground source heat pump (GSHP) model with a practical example of an existing project of a community hall in Canada are described to illustrate effectiveness of RETScreenin the implementation of RE technologies. The same community hall project is then evaluated hypothetically considering its location at Kangnyng, Korea. The main objective is to demonstrate how RETScreen GSHP model can also be utilized effectively for GSHP applications in Korea.
