Profile of Indian Dairy Industry An Overview

  • 발행 : 2004.06.03


Dairy development in India has emerged as one of the modern India's most successful development programmes. India's White Revolution, which has quietly swept the country during the past few decades, deserves attention equal to that given to the better known Green Revolution. India has become the largest milk producer in the world. From being a major importer of dairy products in the 1950s, India has now become an exporter. The strength of lndian dairy sector lies in the fact that despite of limited investment, it has shown consistent and sustainable growth. Presently India ranks first in the World milk production with 88.02 million tones (2002 03) with an annual growth rate of 4.2 per cent. Planning Commission estimates that by the end of Xth Plan, milk production may touch 100 million tones.
