Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2004.03b
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- Pages.253-260
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- 2004
Degradation Characteristics of Strength and Stiffness due to Soils
흙의 종류에 따른 강도와 강성저하 특성
Song, Byung-Woong
(Geotechnical Engineering Dept. Dasan Consultants) ;
- Kim, Hong-Taek (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hong-Ik Univ.) ;
- Yasuhara, Kazuya (Dept. of Urban and Civil Engineering, Ibaraki Univ.) ;
- Murakami, Satosh (Dept. of Urban and Civil Engineering, Ibaraki Univ.) ;
Park, Inn-Joon
(Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hanseo Univ.)
(다산컨설턴트 지반공학부) ;
- 김홍택 (홍익대학교 토목공학과) ;
- 안원일재 (자성대학 도시시스템공학과) ;
- 촌상철 (자성대학 도시시스템공학과) ;
(한서대학교 토목공학과)
- Published : 2004.03.25
Many scholars and researchers has been studied for many kinds of soil characteristics, but a lot of part are still unsolved. Cyclic load-induced decreasing characteristics of strength and stiffness of soils are also well not known among them. To know that, the characteristics of five kinds of soils; clay, plastic and non-plastic silt, sand, and a weathered soil are compared with dividing two types as plastic or non-plastic soils through direct simple shear(DSS) test. From the results of DSS test, it is known that decreasing characteristics of strength and stiffness are different according to soil types. The strength of plastic and non-plastic soils increases with increment of plasticity index and decrement of volume decrease potential, respectively. And the decreasing stiffness of plastic and non-plastic soils increases with decrement of plasticity index and increment of volume decrease potential, respectively.