A development of the automated system for adjusting the 6 D.O.F circular fixator

  • 발행 : 2004.08.25


In this article, we present the development of the automated system for adjusting the 6 D.O.F circular fixator. The system includes scheduling software to adjust the Hexapod Circular Fixator (HCF) and an automated strut system with the ability of the multiple synchronized motion. HCF was designed to control a 6 degree-of-freedom Ilizarove fixator and it's mechanism is known as the Stewart Platform. HCF scheduler evaluates each value of altered length of the HCF struts to correct the complex skeletal deformity by using the X-ray data of the patient. The data of HCF scheduler feed into the automated strut system which be able to provide the scheduled adjustment and the automated strut is synchronized by input data.
