Optical Detection of Red Blood Cell Aggregation under vibration

진동장에서의 적혈구 응집성을 측정하는 광학적 방법

  • 장주희 (경북대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
  • 박명수 (경북대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
  • 구윤희 (경북대학교 기계공학과 대학원) ;
  • 신세현 (경북대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.03


Aggregability of red blood cells (RBCs) was determined by a laser backscattering light analysis in a microfluidic channel. Available techniques for RBC aggregation often adopt a rotational Couette-flow using bob-and-cup system for disaggregating RBCs, which causes the system to be complex and expensive. A disposable microfluidic channel and vibration generating mechanism were used in the proposed new detection system for RBC aggregation. Prior to measurement, RBC aggregates in a blood sample were completely disaggregated by applying vibration-induced shear. With the present apparatus, the aggregation indexes of RBCs can be easily measured with small quantities of blood sample. The measurements with the present aggregometer were compared with those of LORCA and showed a strong correlation between them. The aggregability of the defibrinogenated blood RBCs is markedly lower than that of the normal RBCs. The noble feature of this design is the vibration-induced disaggregation mechanism, which enables to incorporate disposable element that holds the blood sample.
