e-Learning Business Models and Critical Success Factors : An Empirical Assessment of e-Learning Firms

e-Learning 비즈니스 모델과 성공요인에 관한 연구

  • 정대율 (경상대학교 경영학부 경영정보학) ;
  • 성행남 (경상대학교 대학원 경영정보학과)
  • Published : 2004.11.01


Many e-Learning companies are incorporated for the last five years, but most of them are failed or merged by the other company. The main reasons are the absence of competitive strategies and recognition of critical success factors. There are many researches on the critical success factors of Information System (IS) and Electronic Commerce (EC) . We derived e-Learning success factors from the previous IS and EC researches. We classified the success factors into five dimensions, (1) contents management, (2) learner management, (3) business strategy, (4) organizational support and ability, (5) learning management system (LMS), and each dimension has 9 or more success factors measurement items. We surveyed the perceived importance of the success factors from the manager of South Korea e-Learning firms. The paper categorized the items into two or more factors for each dimension by the exploratory factor analysis. Finally, we conducted one-way ANOVA for each success factors by the business model. As a result, there is different importance level for each success factors by the business model. We concluded that each e-Learning company needs different strategies to their business model.
