A Dynamic Analysis on Value Chain Model of E-Commerce - The Case of Online Book Market -

전자상거래의 가치사슬모형에 관한 동태적 분석 - 온라인 서점시장을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2004.05.01


This paper builds a system dynamics model analyzing first mover effect and growth strategy of online retailer, a major segment of B2C e-commerce. The dynamic model in this paper is calibrated to the online book market and Yes24.com as major test cases. The model consists of eight key value chain sectors. Five of these(Users, Site Operations, Human Resources, Financial Accounting, and Fundraising) are internal to the company, and three others(Market, Financial Market, and Relative Performance) are external to the company. With the model, this paper suggests research propositions representing positive feedback loops and negative feedback loops that lead to corporate growth and limits to growth according to dynamic causal relationships among eight key value chain sectors, and simulate these propositions.
