대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 2004년도 학술대회 논문집 정보 및 제어부문
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- Pages.391-393
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- 2004
Static Timing Analysis (STA) 기법을 이용한 Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS) 최적화에 관한 연구
Pre-layout Clock Analysis with Static Timing Analysis Algorithm to Optimize Clock Tree Synthesis
- 박주현 (삼성전자 반도체 SOC연구소) ;
- 류성민 (삼성전자 반도체 SOC연구소) ;
- 장명수 (삼성전자 반도체 SOC연구소) ;
- 최세환 (삼성전자 반도체 SOC연구소) ;
- 최규명 (삼성전자 반도체 SOC연구소) ;
(성균관대학 전기전자공학과) ;
- 공정택 (성균관대학 전기전자공학과)
- Park, Joo-Hyun ;
- Ryu, Seong-Min ;
- Jang, Myung-Soo ;
- Choi, Sea-Hawon ;
- Choi, Kyu-Myung ;
Cho, Jun-Dong
- Kong, Jeong-Taek
- 발행 : 2004.11.12
For performance and stability of a synchronized system, we need an efficient Clock Tree Synthesis(CTS) methodology to design clock distribution networks. In a system-on-a-chip(SOC) design environment, CTS effectively distributes clock signals from clock sources to synchronized points on layout design. In this paper, we suggest the pre-layout analysis of the clock network including gated clock, multiple clock, and test mode CTS optimization. This analysis can help to avoid design failure with potential CTS problems from logic designers and supply layout constraints so as to get an optimal clock distribution network. Our new design flow including pre-layout CTS analysis and structural violation checking also contributes to reduce design time significantly.