A Study on Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Set-based Polynomial Neural Networks

진화이론을 이용한 최적화 Fuzzy Set-based Polynomial Neural Networks에 관한 연구

  • 노석범 (원광대학 제어계측학과) ;
  • 오성권 (원광대학 제어계측학과)
  • Published : 2004.11.12


In this rarer, we introduce a new Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks (FPNNs)-like structure whose neuron is based on the Fuzzy Set-based Fuzzy Inference System (FS-FIS) and is different from that of FPNNs based on the Fuzzy relation-based Fuzzy Inference System (FR-FIS) and discuss the ability of the new FPNNs-like structurenamed Fuzzy Set-based Polynomial Neural Networks (FSPNN). The premise parts of their fuzzy rules are not identical, while the consequent parts of the both Networks (such as FPNN and FSPNN) are identical. This difference results from the angle of a viewpoint of partition of input space of system. In other word, from a point of view of FS-FIS, the input variables are mutually independent under input space of system, while from a viewpoint of FR-FIS they are related each other. In considering the structures of FPNN-like networks such as FPNN and FSPNN, they are almost similar. Therefore they have the same shortcomings as well as the same virtues on structural side. The proposed design procedure for networks' architecture involves the selection of appropriate nodes with specific local characteristics such as the number of input variables, the order of the polynomial that is constant, linear, quadratic, or modified quadratic functions being viewed as the consequent part of fuzzy rules, and a collection of the specific subset of input variables. On the parameter optimization phase, we adopt Information Granulation (IG) based on HCM clustering algorithm and a standard least square method-based learning. Through the consecutive process of such structural and parametric optimization, an optimized and flexible fuzzy neural network is generated in a dynamic fashion. To evaluate the performance of the genetically optimized FSPNN (gFSPNN), the model is experimented with using gas furnace process dataset.
