AMBA(Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture) 기반의 IPSec 암호 프로세서의 구현

Implementation of IPSec Cryptographic Processor Based AMBA Architecture

  • 황재진 (한양대학교 전자전기제어계측공학과) ;
  • 최명렬 (한양대학교 전자컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.12


The importance for Internet security has being increased and the Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) standard, which incorporates cryptographic algorithms, has been developed as one solution to this problem. IPSec provides security services in IP-Layer using IP Authentication Header (AH) and IP Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP). In this paper, we propose IPSec cryptographic processor design based AMBA architecture. Our design which is comprised Rijndael cryptographic algorithm and HAMC-SHA-1 authentication algorithm supports the cryptographic requirements of IP AH, IP ESP, and any combination of these two protocols. Also, our IPSec cryptographic processor operates as AMBA AHB Slave. We designed IPSec cryptographic processor using Xilinx ISE 5.2i and VHDL, and implemented our design using Xilinx's FPGA Vertex XCV600E.
