대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 2004년도 춘계학술대회 논문집 전기기기 및 에너지변환시스템부문
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- Pages.3-5
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- 2004
팬 구동용 다스크형 단상 SRM의 토오크 특성 측정
Torque Characteristic Measurement of Disk Type Single Phase SRM for Fan Drive
- Kim, Yong-Heon (Chungnam Nat'l Univ) ;
- Lee, Jong-Han (Chungnam Nat'l Univ) ;
- Lee, Eun-Woong (Chungnam Nat'l Univ) ;
- Lee, Hyeon-Woo (Chungnam Nat'l Univ)
- 발행 : 2004.04.22
The single phase SRM has some demerits that has a torque ripple, noise and vibration because of being excited by switching pulse power source. Therefore, to make up for these demerits, it is realized many studies for the structure design used by computer and the operating methods by power electronic technique. On this paper, we will measure the accurate torque characteristics of the disk type single phase SRM, which is designed and manufactured for fan drive through the previous studies. With this results, we'll find the control elements to reduce the torque ripple and then design and manufacture the optimal drive circuit.