복합관절 운동용 재활의료기기

Development of Rehabilitation Medicine Device for Compound Joint Motion

  • 정성훈 (전북대 기계항공시스템공학부) ;
  • 유범상 (전북대 기계항공시스템공학부) ;
  • 김남균 (전북대 생체정보공학부) ;
  • 박상민 (전주공업대 자동차공학과) ;
  • 송문상 (전북대 대학원 정밀기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The RMD(Rehabilitation Medicine Device) with CJM(Compound Joint Motion) is the lower limb unit muscular strengthening promotion rehabilitation medicine device for patients of joint orthopedic operation or the deficient elder of ability to walk, the handicapped. Since the products for the rehabilitation medicine device have limited to the simplicity linear motion, those do not give efficient the lower unit muscular strengthening effects. This device which was under the development gives to exercise of hip joint and knee joint with user's selection at once, get out of the simplicity linear motion. Also it will be contributed to a field of rehabilitation medicine and a mobility aid technology of the deficient elders of ability to walk, the handicapped.
