Life Cycle Assessment for National Electricity Generation Systems

국가전력생산 시스템에 대한 전 과정 영향평가

  • Published : 2004.05.01


In recent, the trends in national energy Policy are established in the context of the integrated risk estimation for various national electricity generating options. The approach takes account of health, environmental, economic, and social aspects of electricity generation systems. In the present work, nuclear, coal, and LNG sources are chosen because these hold more than 90% of national total electricity generation in a descending order. A life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is used for comparing environmental impacts of these options during the life cycle such as construction, operation as well as disposal stages. Here, the LCA consists of life cycle inventory analysis, classification/selection process of impact categories, characterization process, and normalization process of each category. LCA can be an useful tool for environmental impact assessment of future national energy options. At the planning stage of future energy Policies, the results of LCA would be taken into consideration. According to data update at the construction and disposal stages, the LCA needs to be conducted iteratively.
