Thrust Performances of a Very Low-Power Micro-Arcjet

  • Hotaka Ashiya (Department of Aerospace Engineering. Tokai University) ;
  • Tsuyoshi Noda (Department of Aerospace Engineering. Tokai University) ;
  • Hideyuki Horisawa (Department of Aerospace Engineering. Tokai University) ;
  • Kim, Itsuro ura (Professor Emeritus. University of Tokyo. and Nara Textile Inc.)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


In this study, microfabrication of a micro-arcjet nozzle with Fifth-harmonic generation Nd:YAG pulses (wavelength 213 nm) and its thrust performance tests were conducted. A micro-arcjet nozzle was machined in a 1.2 mm thick quartz plate. Sizes of the nozzle were 0.44 mm in width of the nozzle exit and constrictor diameter of 0.1 mm. For an anode, a thin film of Au (~100 nm thick) was deposited by DC discharge PVD in vacuum on divergent part of the nozzle. As for a cathode, an Au film was also coated on inner wall surface. In operational tests, a stable discharge was observed for mass flow of 1.0mg/sec, discharge current of 6 ㎃, discharge voltage of 600 V, or 3.6 W input power (specific power of 3.6 MW/kg). In this case, plenum pressure of the discharge chamber was 80 ㎪. With 3.6 W input power, thrust obtained was 1.4 mN giving specific impulse of 138 sec with thrust efficiency of 24 %.
