축소형 차량의 횡진동 해석

Lateral Vibration Analysis of a Small Scale Railway Vehicle Model

  • 이승일 (한국철도대학 차량기계과) ;
  • 손건호 (성균관대학교 대학원) ;
  • 최연선 (성균관대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The vibration of a running vehicle can be classified on lateral, longitudinal and vertical motions. The important factor on the stability and ride quality of a railway vehicle is the lateral motion. The contact between wheel and rail with conicity influences strongly on the lateral motion. In this study, an experiment for the vibration of a running railway vehicle was performed using a small scale railway vehicle model. Also, the effects on the car body, bogie and wheelset were examined for the weight and the stiffness of the first and second suspension. The experimental results showed that the lateral vibration increases as the wheel conicity and stiffness of the second suspension increase. And the lateral vibration of the bogie increases as the mass ratio between car body and bogie increases. Also, the lateral vibration of the wheel becomes high at low speed, while the wheel of 1/20 conicity makes severe vibration at high speed running.
