한국고속철도의 해외진출 정책 및 기술기반구축방안

A Method of Policy and Technology for Advancing the Korean High-speed Railroad System into Foreign Market

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


The Korean railroad has developed as a foundation of nation's nucleus network. Nowadays Korea has entered into a new era because of the operation of KTX(Korea Train Express). As an introduction of KTX, the Korean railroad system has advanced Korean style high speed rail(HSR-350x), which is based on transfer and own technology. It is expected that the Korean rail road system has the leading design and production ability. Korea is planning to develop its own high speed railroad system until 2007. So the present task is to initiate a strategic export method for the development and value-added of Korean high speed railroad system. Furthermore this study proposes the administrative and technical policy for the basic technical research and creativeness predominance.
