- 유체기계공업학회 2004년도 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집
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- Pages.641-647
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- 2004
고주파 유압시스템에서 감치장치와 축압기에 의한 맥동 충격파 감쇄특성에 대한 연구
Research for the Pulsating Pressure Characteristics by a Damper and an Accumulator in the High Frequency Hydraulic System
- Kim, Yang-Soo ;
- Kim, Jae-Soo ;
Rho, Hyung-Woon
(IVAI Consulting)
- 발행 : 2004.12.01
Characteristics of the high frequency pulsatile flow have been investigated experimentally to understand the flow phenomena in the hydraulic system. The accumulator in high frequency hydraulic system but that is not effective all frequency zone. Therefore, a hydraulic damper used with accumulator is suggested to reduce the high frequency pulsatile where the accumulator is not effective. The pulsating pressure obtained by Pressure measurement system are analyzed to power spectral density distribution. According to the variations of pump input pressure and actuator acceleration frequency, the pressure is measured with or without an accumulator or pulsatile damper The amplitude of pressure with damper is very lower than those without accumulator or damper due to absorbing function of damper. As the frequency of actuator acceleration is increased, the effect of damper becomes very important to decrease the amplitude of pulsatile Pressure waveform with high frequencies.