옥천 용암사 마애불의 보존관리를 위한 불연속면의 거동특성 해석

Behavior Interpretation of Discontinuity for Conservation Treatment of Standing Sculptured Buddha at the Yongamsa Temple, Korea

  • 이찬희 (공주대학교 문화재보존과학과) ;
  • 정연삼 (공주대학교 지질환경과학과) ;
  • 김지영 (공주대학교 문화재보존과학과) ;
  • 이정은 (공주대학교 문화재보존과학과) ;
  • 김선덕 (㈜엔가드 문화재연구소)
  • Lee, Chan-Hee (Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Sceinces, Konju National University) ;
  • Jeong, Yeon-Sam (Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences, Konju National University) ;
  • Kim, Ji-Young (Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Sceinces, Konju National University) ;
  • Yi, Jeong-Eun (Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation Sceinces, Konju National University) ;
  • Kim, Sun-Duk (Research Institute of Cultural Properties, ENGUARD Co. Ltd.)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The host rock of standing sculptured Buddha in the Yongamsa temple was macular biotite granite, which has gone through mechanical and chemical weathering. The principal rock-forming minerals are quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, and biotite, the last two of which have been transformed into clay minerals and chlorite due to weathering processes. The bed rock around the Buddha statue is busily scattered with steep inclinations that are almost vertical and discontinuous planes with the strikes of $N8^{\circ}E$. The major joints have the strikes of N4 to $52^{\circ}W$ and N6 to $88^{\circ}E$ and the dips of 42 to $89^{\circ}$. Especially thee development of the joints that cross the major joints causes tile structural instability of the rock. The host rock of the Buddha image is separated into many different rock masses because of the also many different discontinuity, which group accounts for about $12{\%}$ of the rock. Thus it's estimated that the bed rock has not only plane and toppling failure but also wedge failure in all the sides. Since the earth pressure and the inclination pressure are imposed on the body of the Buddha in the basement rock, it's urgent to give a treatment of geotechnical engineering for the sake of its structural stability. The parts where serious fractures are seen should receive the hardening process using the fillers for stones. It's also necessary to introduce a landfill liner system in order to reduce the ground humidity. The rock surface of the Buddha statue are partly contaminated by lichens and bryophyte. The joints have turned into earth, which promotes the growth of weeds and plant roots. Thus biochemical treatments should also be considered to get rid of the vegetation along the discontinuous planes and prevent further biological damages.
