연금 민영화에 관한 쟁점들: 남미 국가들의 사례를 중심으로

The Major Issues on Pension Privatization: Lessons from Latin American Cases

  • 김신영 (스텐포드 대학 아태연구소)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.23


This study purports to contribute to existing literatures and debates about the future of Korean public pension system by introducing the cases of pension privatization in eight Latin American countries. Following the Chilean reform in 1981, many Latin American nations to a varying degree replaced their public pension system with private one, and the performance of those private systems started to emerge. Overall, pension privatization does not appear to be the panacea that some of its advocates have argued. While it seems to remedy existing problems, it is creating new ones. As an unprecedented policy experiment, the pension privatization in many Latin American countries implies that there are a number of risks in the path of privatization.
