Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference (한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2003.10a
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- Pages.192-197
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- 2003
Analysis of Three-dimensional Cavity flow by using Unstructred grid
비정규 격자를 이용한 3차원 Cavity 유동 해석
- Kang, Hyo-Kil (Dept. of Navel Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
Kim, Moon-Chan
(Dept. of Navel Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
Chun, Ho-Hwan
(Dept. of Navel Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Pusan National University)
- Published : 2003.10.24
Three-dimensional cavity flow is analyzed with the code by using unstructured grid. Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are used as governing equations, and governing equations are discretized by Finite Volume Method. Artificial compressibility method, proposed by Chorin, and developed by Soh, is used for coupling a pressure and a velocity. Cell-centered scheme is adopted in the code, this has the effect of having denser grid than nodal scheme when the same grid is used. Weighted Averaging scheme is used for the value at a nodal point. Cavity flow is analyzed, and this computed results are compared with the results in the research report