Superconductor Flywheel Energy Storage System

  • Sung, T.H. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Han, Y.H. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Han, S.C. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Choi, S.K. (Mechatronics Application Group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Jeong, N.H. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Yun, H.J. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Park, B.S. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Kim, K.J. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation) ;
  • Oh, J.M. (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea Electric Power Corporation)
  • 발행 : 2003.08.18